floyps Stuff and shit - click here to go back

Gay Little Picture i took outside (jan 11, 2025) - i took a whole bunch of these but im only gonna really put one here for formatting reasons. Theyre all old, as u can see from the date marker, but the place these were taken is a really important place to me.. it was a summer a few years back when i kinda randomly started feeling like everything was super beautiful and i didnt wanna kill myself anymore, i would sit on a little dock on a lake close to the forest where this was taken and id just listen to music and watch the sunset and honestly it was Peak and now i just go back there whenever im tweaking to relax

album cover for a jersey club mix (dec 21, 2024) - honestly just threw shit together for this lol. i knew the look i wanted to go for though and i think i pulled it off pretty well. the mix itself is a jersey club mix, so the pic of the city is in fact a pic of new jersey, and i also added the wrinkled paper sticker because i wanted it to feel like an old vinyl record that someone might actually play at a club
you can listen to the mix here!

ENDOTHERMIA!!!!!!!! (dec 2, 2024) - my first full-length album is now out :D its a drone/ambient/slushwave album themed around winter. it's all completely sampled. if you wanna check it out you can look here!

quote poster for intro to graphics software final (nov 26, 2024) - kinda bullshit this quote lol because we had to pick one from a pre-existing list but yeah i liked how this turned out. the ppl on it are Quinn, Wata from Boris, Jerry Garcia from Grateful dead, Miles Davis, and John Coltrane. also theres an akai mpc3000 and a fender rhodes because theyre peak instruments and also a spray can because i felt like it